Hi again!
This week we finished up our antenatal classes with a 2 hour crash course in breastfeeding. While this potentially the part of pregnancy/early motherhood I'm most looking forward to, it's also the part I'm least prepared for. They say knowledge is power and at the moment I'm pretty powerless, I'll have to spend the next 7-8 weeks doing a bit of reading...
The week in general felt very long. The week involved a lot of not doing too much and relaxing. I had a very quiet work week which is good for the soul but bad for productivity. It should pick up a bit in the next week or so though now that masks don't need to be worn to exercise (thank goodness)! While I admit I did use my free time pretty unwisely, everyone needs an unproductive week every now and then, it's incentive to do something next week.
Took a bit of a midweek break to rest but apart from that, it was more of the same this week. Still very grateful I'm able to move around freely and I'm making the most of it while I can!
Decided to spend my slow morning at home reading. I only had one client today at midday so I stayed in an air conditioned room until then. The team opted against a studio clean up/meeting today but because I missed my Sunday training session I went in to train and do some mobility.
3 sets:
A1. 3 Hip CARS
A2. 10 Hip Thrusts with Hip Adductor Squeezes
B1. 12 Staggered Stance Kettlebell Deadlifts
B2. 10 Kettlebell Bottoms Up Presses
C1. 12 Step Ups
C2. 10 Y Raises
D1. 15 Poloff Presses
45min mobility and stretching
Given yesterday was a training day, today was all about walking. Set off for a 90min walk before my first client and a 60min walk between clients later in the afternoon.
I think I slightly overheated yesterday so I needed a rest day. Plus, I had a few errands to run so I took the day off training and instead checked off a few items on my "to do" list instead.
Thursday is physio day so I went for a 80min stroll in the morning ahead of physio and clients and that was about it!
Managed to find some time in the morning to train myself ahead of training clients.
3 sets:
A1. 20 Walking Lunges
A2. 12 Standing Banded Rows
A3. 12 Bicep Curls
B1. 12 Overhead Squats
B2. 12 Band Pull Aparts
B3. 12 Banded Tricep Extensions
30min mobility and stretching
I then went for what was supposed to be about a 90min walk but ended up being cut short because I got caught in an absolute downpour...It was a bit of a wet walk but luckily, I'm waterproof.
Today we played tourist with my parents. They'd never been out to see the geopark out in Sai Kung so we rented a speedboat and went for a 2 hour boat ride. We did stop off in Tung A/Pak Ah to go for a stroll around the abandoned homes and I cleared the pathway for everyone by walking through all the (thankfully spiderless) spiderwebs. I did come across a MUTANT hornet which I ran past (I don't carry my epipen with me because I'm not sure I can use it whilst pregnant...).
By the time we got home at the end of the adventure I'd only done about 8k steps so Jack and I popped off for a stroll to bring it closer to 20k before settling in and watching Black Panther (RIP Chadwick) in the evening.
Today was maybe the last day of training in the studio before we close for a few weeks of renovation. Today was also SOGO/IKEA errand running day so I knew I'd need to work off some energy before heading into 2 stressful (i.e. densely populated with slow walkers) environments...My legs were pretty tired today and I knew I'd be spending most of the afternoon on my feet so while I did do a bit of glute work, I decided to do more upper body.
3 sets
A1. 15 Standing Fire Hydrants
A2. 10 Kneeling Push Ups
A3. 12 Lateral Raises
B1. 15 Standing Kickbacks
B2. 12 Bent Over Rows
B3. 12 Frontal Raises
C1. 10 Bird Dogs
C2. 10 Poloff Presses
30min mobility
Life in General
Really don't have too much to report on this end! I had a very pleasantly comfortable week. No growing pains or strains, my lower back and hip cooperated, and my lungs have adjusted to their new-found reduced capacity so although I'm still breathing more shallowly than normal, it's not as much of a hindrance to life.
Fudge does continue to move at all times and in all directions which means I do occasionally have to take slightly longer rests in the gym or have to readjust my seating if she's squirming around. However, she doesn't bother me at all when I sleep and I'm still sleeping marvellously. I think I actually managed an 11 hour sleep on Tuesday night!
The only thing that is slowly becoming an issue is the frequency of my bathroom breaks. Back when Jack was living in NYC we used to joke all the time about how I always needed to use the bathroom at the most inconvenient times (he once told me that the title of my autobiography should be "I Need to Pee"). Now that Fudge is significantly bigger and heavier it means when she does toss and turn, she does tend to kick my bladder.
Appetite-wise, it hasn't picked up but I blame the heat. I'm still consuming my bodyweight in water every day and have recently found I need a bit of an electrolyte hit by the mid-afternoon too. My go to snack of the week was grapes which are honestly just the best when it's painfully hot. I also discovered Califia's Probiotic Dairy Free Yoghurt which is a GREAT pick-me-up when I'm peckish but too hot to eat.
Other than that, I don't have much else to report, it's a short but sweet one this week!
High Five to no more masks whilst exercising! Let's all go out and get it next week - no excuses now!