Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!
To be honest, I didn't think I'd have time to write a blog this week but somehow I've managed to find some!
This week Noah really nailed her howling. Let me explain...A few weeks ago Noah started to howl out of nowhere. Think less "scary wolf" and more "adorable baby" type howling (yes, I have many videos). This week she started to howl responsively though, if we howl, she howls. It's not only very adorable but also very hysterical because now the house is filled with people howling. She does also attempt to just chat to you if you chat to her and she will also stick her tongue out at you if you do it to her but the howling is much more fun.
Overall the week was all about Christmas though so the primary focus was doing all the last minute Christmas errands. As for training, the primary focus was keeping the step count up and attempting to squeeze in a few strength training sessions...
So today training was not really an option because Noah was really quite fussy. She didn't sleep very much at all because she spent a lot of the day talking as much as possible. She was not interested in sleep which meant that by the the early afternoon she wasn't too impressed with too much. We did go into Calibrate for the team meeting but she spent most of the hour crying haha.
Managed to go into the studio in the morning for a quick training session. She was miraculously ok with lying down for most of my training session so it was quite successful!
3 sets each:
A1. 15 Kettlebell Deadlifts
A2. 10 Straight Arm Pulldowns
A3. 10 Heel Taps
A4. 8 Crunches
B1. 30s Wall Sit
B2. 12 T Pulls
B3. 20 Walking Lunges
Post-training we did some very quick Christmas errands. I then walked her to sleep for 2 hours or so in the afternoon so she could have an afternoon nap.
Started the morning off with the usual morning walk but I was definitely feeling the training session from yesterday and was also very tired so I spent the rest of the day sitting down binge watching a TV show. We did have our second osteopathy appointment in the late afternoon but went straight home after that to relax.
Thursday - Christmas Eve
I took Noah and walked to my parents' place in the morning and spent the day prepping Christmas dinner. Not much time for much else! We topped off the day with a screening of Elf, because it isn't Christmas unless you watch Elf.
Friday - Christmas!
I think I took a grand total of 1000 steps. Today is all about the food, the company, the chocolate, and the chocolate.
After the glutinous day tomorrow we made such to clock over 20,000 steps. It was a lovely start to the morning, Jack's dad came over for some quality granddad time with Noah. We then set off walking and found ourselves in Repulse Bay at lunch time. We then spent a bit of time hanging around there before walking back to Shouson for tea. Jack and I teamed up to take on Team Granddad, Team Grandma, and Team Aunt/Uncle for the title of Scrabble masters. With the added help of Noah and despite a late incredible surge by Team Aunt/Uncle, we were victorious. We then sat down to Christmas dinner part 2.
We finally made it back in the gym this morning to continue to earn the meal we had on Friday.
3 sets:
A1. 12 Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls
A2. 12 Incline Chest Presses
A3. 8 Deadbugs
B1. 10 Kettlebell Bent Over Rows
B2. 10 Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlifts
B3. 6 Kettlebell Halos
C1. 12 T Pulls
C2. 8 Strict Shoulder Presses
C3. 8 Deadbugs
We finished off the day with a 9km hike around Tai Tam Country Park which Noah very much enjoyed.
Life in General
This week was a bit of a blur and I didn't really make much of a note of anything that was happening. Noah is much more responsive and attentive which is super adorable. She has a lot to say all the time, even while breastfeeding...which is quite messy - I have to teach her to not talk with food in her mouth.
Breastfeeding is still going super well which I'm very happy about. She's also taking to her morning probiotic bottle which means we need to start upping our game to convince her to take a full milk bottle now too.
To be honest, I know I should have more to report but I don't remember much from the week other than the magic of her first Christmas! Next week I'll remember to write more fun things.
On a slight admin note, I only have another 4-5 of these blogs left to post as I'm nearing the end of the fourth trimester. If you would like to continue following my journey beyond that, feel free to add me on instagram!
Have a great end to 2020 everyone! It might have been a bit of a downer for a lot of people but there's always a silver lining! I think we should all take this week to appreciate all the positive things that came out of this year - I think you'll find your list is longer than you'd expect.
Speak to you all next week!