Hi again,
2 weeks in one this week as there wasn't much fun stuff to report and, more realistically, because being on holiday makes you completely forget about schedules and days of the week. Week 30-31 was spent in France with Jack's family and Week 31-32 was spent in New York City/Connecticut with more of Jack's family and our friends.
The biggest revelation of the last 2 weeks is Noah is a travel champion which can only mean one thing: Baby J is going to be a nightmare...She landed in France and 2 days later was at the doctor diagnosed with a sinus infection. She was put on a 5 day course of antibiotics which meant for the first time since birth she was on meds. Throw in jet lag and we didn't know what to expect. What we got was DEFINITELY not expected though: cheery as always, voracious appetite, energy levels almost completely unaffected (the only anomaly being the first day of antibiotics resulting in a 16 hour "nap"), and seemingly no problems at all. The only sign she was actually sick were the physical ones: eye mucus, runny nose, and unpleasant cough.
We uprooted her days after the course being over and plopped her in NYC to deal with another time difference change and she handled it like an absolute star. Seemingly not jet lagged at all, she adjusted to East Coast time as soon as she landed. The only meltdown came on night one when I decided to test out how to turn a hotel shower on with her already in the bathtub and the result was a DIRECT and very unexpected water jet hit to the face. Objectively, it was hysterical. Noah thought otherwise.
As for the womb side child - unlike his sister he's done a fair bit of womb travelling already and luckily hasn't given mum too much grief. Pre-flight yoga is a must do as is the post flight long stroll but so far I'm pleasantly surprised at how the first half of travel has gone. I was slightly worried about all the flights and moving around but so far so good!
With that - let's get into some details...
Week 30-31
When in France you can imagine it's very easy to do nothing and eat too much. Luckily given where we were in France is also just as easy to walk everywhere, up and down all the coastlines and beaches, and then eat the freshest food. Think less butter and cream and much more grilled seafood, fresh vegetables, and of course cheese and bread. Being in hot, coastal France was also the perfect recipe for lots of beach and swim time.
The focus of the trip was definitely on family reunion time with this being the first time since 2016 that the entire French side were together at the same time. That's much more important than anything else. Still, we averaged 18,000 steps a day and I even managed to squeeze in 3 yoga sessions just to stay a bit limber despite all the walking.
Week 31-32
Pivot to NYC. Pivot to full time mum mode. luckily NYC is a VERY walkable city so the step count shot you through the roof. I averaged 25,000 steps a day and even managed to get 2 hotel room miniband sesions in. We finished the week in NYC off with a weekend at Jack's mum and stepfather's place in Connecticut where they do have a pretty stellar gym set up so I was able to get a weight session, 2 cardio sessions, and 2 yoga sessions in. In an ideal world I would have done another weights session instead of a cardio but I did have a cold and was feeling too run down for weights. So I opted for movement.
Slightly less conventional training sessions over the last 2 weeks but I just kept the focus on movement whenever and wherever possible.
Life In General
As I said earlier, I did enter this holiday slightly worried about how my third trimester body would react to a lot of long haul flights and a very disrupted schedule. However, I was very pleasantly surprised at how my body and mind dealt with it. 5 weeks away from home can be tough for "training" but I just adapted and reminded myself that this isn't the first time and won't be the last time I've taken a few many months off from the gym (my record is 14 months but there's an incredible reason why and a story for another time). In fact, the long break is kind of welcome. It's good to break free of the monotony, change the scenery, and just be out and about for a bit. I'm not training for an Ironman or a huge competition, a few weeks off isn't going to hurt and can actually do me some good!
Travelling is also a great way to forget you're pregnant and have time pass quickly too! Can't believe we're 8 weeks out from D-Day! The last 2 weeks have flown by and I'm sure the next 2 will too! This is a good thing as the last half of pregnancy seems to creep along far too slowly compared to the first half. Travelling keeps the mind preoccupied which means I haven't really had time to reflect or think about the pregnancy very much at all in the last 2 weeks.
The only mildly annoying thing is I'm now in my 4th (I think?) bout of illness since becoming pregnant. I caught Noah's cold and I'm finding colds hard to shake when pregnant. Instead of a usual 2-3 days it takes 7-10 days to shake. Congestion certainly makes for REALLY fun flights too...
On that note - I'll have to sign off now as my task for the day is getting Noah and myself from Connecticut to New Jersey for a 6 hour flight to Vancouver. There are things to do and things to pack!
Speak to you from the West Coast!