Into the last month we go! 28 days until D-Day! The birth plan has been submitted (it's basically the same as last time with one small edit: No Enotox/gas and air) and now we just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Had potentially my last doctor's appointment in clinic this week (although realistically I will be back in 4 weeks for my due date check up) which was exciting! We brought Noah in with us for the second and final time. Our OB snapped a 3D photo of Baby J to show her and she very enthusiastically said "he looks like a dinosaur"...
More importantly, there are no indications that Baby J will come early and no reason to get him out early, he's in the right place (head down and engaged) though so now it's just up to him. I'm not uncomfortable and not yet swollen so I'm not in a huge hurry. If anything, it would be best if he didn't come until due date as, in an ideal world, we send Noah off to full day big kid school first and have a solid 1-2 weeks of her at school before life is upended. Her life is about to change in so many ways so if we can have a few days to focus on her new school situation that would be fantastic. As excited as she is to be a big sister (and trust me, she really really is!) we do want the focus to be on her as she enters a new school chapter!
The nesting instinct has definitely kicked in. Luckily I still don't think we need to make any rash changes to the flat but I did put in a big online order of things like compostable water wipes, eco diapers, bottles, silicone breast milk bags...etc. The next step is laundry - all the newborn stuff but also all the nursing bras and nursing pads. That's September's problem though.
Energy levels are definitely dropping and unlike last pregnancy, I'm not fighting it this time. I'm finding no shame and no regrets in sitting down and doing nothing if that's where my body wants to be. By end of day I'm definitely tired and even 8:30 bedtimes sound late and unpleasant. On the note of energy, let's get into some training highlights before we go back to the fun stuff like sciatica and perineum massages...
Started the week off with a nice long walk - I wasn't in a lifting or yoga move and I felt like a good podcast and stroll was in order.
I've decided to switch to just 2 strength sessions a week and because of energy levels I've also switched from giant sets to supersets. On Tuesday I did 5 supersets of upper body strength and on Thursday I did 4 supersets of lower body work (although I did abandon Friday's session a few reps early because I realised I needed to get a snack in before I saw clients). Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday were yoga days and Friday was rest day.
I was generally very happy with the fact that I could alter the intensity of sessions by just increasing rest time for my upper body day. The weights didn't change. Thursday was a different story - I was tired and distracted so most exercises were either banded or bodyweight. Some movement is better than none!
As always, we'll see how this changes for next week but I was generally happy with movement variety and intensity this week. Hopefully I can carry this forward for the next few weeks!
Life in General
Let's talk sciatica. This wriggling child is taking after his sister and is causing 5-10s of sciatica flare ups every now and then. Occasionally Noah would cause my leg and lower back to seize for 20-30s so I'm counting my current blessings that so far Baby J is only causing 5-10s periods of immobility. They aren't fun though because they come out of nowhere and inevitably come at a time where I need to be somewhere somewhat quickly. Fun. The good news is this will only last as long as Baby J remains womb side.
I did have my first run in with acid reflux this week too! That's generally not something to be excited by but I didn't have it with Noah and I haven't experienced it before until this week! The cause? water...............lame. Hopefully it was just a one off experience because I'm a big fan of ice water when it's as hot as it is and I'm as pregnant as I am. I can hear my Chinese ancestors berating me for drinking ice water whilst pregnant but I'm choosing to ignore them and I'll suffer the consequences if they continue to arise, I cannot and will not switch to drinking warm water in the middle of a Hong Kong summer.
Other than those 2 fun developments I have nothing to complain about. Hands and feet aren't swollen yet, no Braxton Hicks (yet?), no lower back pain, no pelvic pain, not annoying uncomfortable or feeling impatient. If anything I'm feeling the opposite. I've consciously chosen to reframe how I'm viewing these last 4 weeks. Last time I was eager to meet Noah and experience motherhood. This time, we're unsure we'll go for #3 so this is potentially my last month of pregnancy ever. While I'm not someone who has loved being pregnant and can't imagine life without it, there is something bittersweet about potentially closing this chapter forever. I'm taking time to enjoy the last 4 weeks, to embrace them, and to really just let my body do what it needs to do. I didn't enter labour on my own terms last time so it will be interesting to see if my body gets there in its own this time! Either way - whatever birth outcome I have will be the birth outcome I was meant to have. I'll be proud of it, I'll own it, and I'll embrace it.
I have a midwife appointment in 2 weeks which will be crucial as I need to double check a few pieces of important information like...what's the rule for going to the hospital again? 1 min contractions every 3 min or every 5 min for 1 hour?
We're mentally and physically ready for the next 4 weeks. The key will be to not get ahead of myself and just focus on the now. Focus on the child that is thriving earth side. Focus on work. Focus on present life. The future holds whatever it holds, I'm patient but I'm ready.
Speak to you all next week!