Hello again!
It's a delayed post this week because I was in Vietnam for the weekend and didn't have time to write.
Exciting week this last week though! Got back into some basic strength training and still managed to keep up with some yoga. I would have liked to do 2 yoga sessions but the week ran away from me and I ran out of time. We had our first scan in 2 months and got a great look at Baby J! Unlike Noah (who was always hiding her face in scans), Baby J showed us his little face peacefully asleep.
The scan was all normal and I got my whooping cough vaccine. We also had a quick talk with the OB about summer travel plans. I'll be out of town for 5 weeks which is a long time but luckily it doesn't coincide with any major scans or anything so it's actually a great time to go away. The only thing I do need to make sure I do is pop into a clinic to get my blood pressure checked before I fly back to Hong Kong.
The week of excitment was topped off by a girls trip to Hoi An to celebrate a friend's 30th. The bump and the body were more than fine with the 90min flight - we'll see how it handles a 12+ hour flight later this week...
With that - the week!
I slowly eased back into strength training after my yoga break. I started off with a very simple full body weights session on Monday. Used a mix of dumbbells and barbells and kept the weights low and reps high.
Tuesday was an absolute SCORCHER of a day and I spent most of it outside which almost ended me. I felt like I'd run an Ironman by the end of the day.
The next 2 days were slightly irritating as my arm took a long time to recover from the whooping cough vaccine. I don't remember my arm being that sore last time! I opted for yoga on Wednesday and lower body on Thursday while I waited for my arm to recover range and strength.
Right before flying on Friday I managed to squeeze in a very quick 25 min upper body session. My arm still a bit sore but it was much more mobile than the days prior.
Saturday and Sunday were rest days while I stayed as cool and out of the sun as possible in Hoi An. A slightly tall order but I think I was mostly successful!
Life in General
Noah had her last day of preschool on Friday which was a huge mental milestone! It really is crazy how quickly time has flown by but also how much has happened since she started in September. She's really grown into a comedian of an old soul. The kids baked cookies on their last day and all the parents were there at pick up to have a cookie and also meet with the teachers one last time. Obviously we're biased and have nothing to compare but her first year of school couldn't have been more perfect. She was in a small class of 6 kids in a space that is literally a flat in Happy Valley. Unconventional setting for a classroom in that there was none but the teachers still managed to teach them an impressive amount of stuff and, most impressively, Noah settled right into a full French environment without any hesitation or fuss. A great first year in the books and an exciting 19 more to go!
Back to this pregnancy...
When I was pregnant with Noah I experienced a few calf cramps which was easily solved with an extra calcium supplement every day. This time around the calcium and the calcium/magnesium supplements don't seem to be helping me out too much. At least 3 times a week I get calf cramps in the middle of the night which are really no fun. They don't last long but they do wake me up.
On the clothing front - shorts still fit me (obviously below the bump) and most training tops still do. 80% of the T-shirts I own though are entering the "no" pile of acceptable clothing though. This bump is definitely bigger. Baby J is outweighing Noah at the same gestational age and he's also slightly longer than she was but I've gained less weight this time. Basically, this kid is shaping up to be a larger mini human than his sister. I know we're not supposed to compare pregnancies because every pregnancy is different, but I am.
Other than that - once again nothing much to report. It's our last week in Hong Kong before 5 weeks of family time all over the world. Half of me is excited to get away and see family and the other half is not super keen to be on 6 flights in the span of 5 weeks at 30+ weeks pregnant. Pray for me!
On that note - it's time to get some packing and pre-flight prep done so I'll speak to you all again on Sunday!