Cue the Bon Jovi: We're halfway there!
This pregnancy has felt simultaneously very long but also very short. A part of me can't believe we're already at the halfway mark while the other part can't believe we're only at the halfway mark.
This week was a much needed rest week. The week started off slow and never really picked up so I took a step back from training, listened to my body and gave it some rest. The bump did a bit of growing this week too so I think most of my body's energy went towards fetal development which is the most important thing at the moment. I kept up with some pelvic floor and core prehab and that was about it. I focused on reading my book and getting some life admin done.
What Rest Week Looks Like
A rest week will look very different to different people depending on a lot of external factors that you may or may not have control over. Here's how my rest week generally looked:
- Step count brought down to 7-10,000 steps a day. Generally this meant I opted to tram to work and walk home
- Breaks between clients normally involved reading instead of walking or training
- If I got to the studio before a session I opted for some prehab work (pelvic floor and lower core)
- Our helper took Noah to one of the two organised after school playgroups she goes to instead of me bringing her to both
- I went to bed at 8pm most nights
- Nutrition stayed, for the most part, unchanged
Life in General
I was, generally, a bit more tired than usual this week. The bump was a bit tight feeling around the lower abdomen for half a day or so which usually correlates with a general feeling of being "more pregnant". The bump is definitely there now and I'm looking a little less like I just ate too much for dinner. Clients who I haven't seen in a week or two also made unanimous statements of "you've popped!" Even Jack came out with a "you properly look pregnant now" which is a vast improvement from last pregnancy when his statement was "you look a little more like a British rugby player".
After a week or two of full family health Noah decided to hit us with another cold/flu/whatever thing she got. After a few days of standard coughing and some sniffles she then hit us with a fever. Of course, this child doesn't like panadol and even figured out how to sniff it out if I hid it in a veggie pouch (although eventually I got her to take it) so the fever lasted a bit longer than it should have. It hit late Thursday night and eventually broke Saturday morning. She was generally not in a great mood over the weekend but she is on the mend. Naturally it means there's an incoming cold in at least one of the 3 adults in the house...
Otherwise a perfectly boring and uneventful week. Next week we have our exciting 20 week anatomy scan so stay tuned for that!