Hi from Vancouver!
My fun weekend plan was executed to perfection! I hopped on a plane and flew to Vancouver on Friday, leaving Jack and Noah behind for some true bonding time. I was originally supposed to fly out to surprise my dad for his 60th birthday but my mum let the cat out of the bag after approximately 27 seconds so instead I surprised my sister, grandmother, and extended family. So it was a birthday surprise of sorts.
In exciting Baby J news: we have movement! I was slightly suspicious on Monday night I could fee a kick or two and then definitely did on Wednesday right before I went to sleep. We exchanged a few pokes and kicks. Of course as soon as I tried to get Jack to feel the little guy decided enough was enough. Since then I've gotten the odd kick here or there.
Wednesday was also the day I had a midwife appointment. For the first time in either pregnancy I went to an appointment alone but only so Jack could continue his Noah-centric week and take her to Easter Camp (we trialled Ballroom Bees with great success). We figured this appointment was ok for him to miss given there is no ultrasound and this one is more about "me" and less about "baby" anyway. We just talked about pregnancy thus far, how I was coping and she asked if I needed help with anything. She did a quick feel around for my uterus to see how it was expanding and then she checked for a heartbeat using the doppler.
For those whom follow my Instagram this week we had the hysterical run in with Noah, the plum. On Wednesday afternoon I was carrying Noah down to the playground and she randomly gave me a big kiss on the cheek then smiled I me. I said "you're such a sweetheart Noah!", her reply? "No mama, I'm a plum". Her rationale for being a plum was she likes plums therefore she is one (maybe she's the next René Descartes?). That night when I was putting her to bed hours later I said "good night munchkin" to which she whispered "no mama, plum". I corrected myself and then she quietly said "good night mama".
Now the real kicker.
Noah decides that Thursday morning 5:38am is the best time to be awake. She's in our bed, I'm awake because I'm a light sleeper. Jack is not awake. At 6:10 Noah JUMPS onto Jack's very much asleep head and yells into his ear "DADA ARE YOU A PLUM?" My week, if not my month, was made in that moment. Best way to wake up.
Now that the fun stories are told we can get to some training and life news!
Started Monday with a banger. My health is back and I hadn't had a proper lift in what felt like weeks so we started strong. Barbell squats, incline bench presses, walking lunges, hip thrusts...etc. The full glute + chest run down. 3 giant sets. Conquered by 8:30am.
Tuesday was supposed to be a full rest day but we ended up doing over 20,000 steps so I don't think I can count that as a rest day. On the plus side it was a great family bonding day!
Had a bit of a quick lift on Wednesday, mostly just accessory back work as I was a bit tired and wanted to focus more on stretching than anything else.
Thursday was pure mobility and stretch as the body really needed it.
Friday I snuck in a bit of a pre-flight glute session.
Saturday was a mixture of jet lag and family time so it was a good rest day.
Sunday my dad, sister, and I went for a rainy walk by a lake in the forest. Gorgeously misty, the rain made the forest feel and smell alive, and it was good to get some steps in!
Life in General
For the first time this pregnancy - I definitely feel bigger! The belly button is fully popped (VERY EARLY), shorts are a little tighter, and shirts fall a little less straighter. Growth has occurred. I feel like I'm bigger at 17 weeks this time compared to last time so I decided to have a quick check at what my weight gain with Noah was in the first 17 weeks. Surprisingly I've gained less so far (the night is still young though)...
On Thursday night Jack and I had our first solo date night since December. Left the kid at home while we went for drinks (just the one for me though) and an early dinner. We did go home early so I could put Noah to bed one last time before I left for the weekend. Also, I'm tired by 9pm so I need to be showered before then...
This weekend marked the first time I spent more than 1 night away from Noah and the first time we weren't in the same city at the same time (this is going to happen a few more times this year too!). I think because so much of my life is so focused on her I actually didn't mind a bit of space. Obviously looking forward to being back home to see her but it wasn't as difficult being away as I thought maybe it would be! She also was seemingly not too fussed (or maybe she was and Jack ha just keeping it from me) about my absence so it's a win all around!
Next week not only do I make my return to Hong Kong but I also have my first appointment with my women's health physio. After a few weeks of being run down and coughing A LOT I feel like my pelvic floor took a bit of a hit and after the hit my pelvic floor took 8 months postpartum last time I just want to be a little more on top of it this time. I figure it's better to go see someone before you have a serious need to go see them, if that makes any sense.
Hope you're all having a great start to the week!