Hello again! Happy various religious holidays to all those who celebrate!
Sorry for the delay again but all the fun activities during the public holiday period meant writing got away from me. I do have a fun dream to report this week though so let's start with that!
In my dream I ended up needing an emergency C section but given the position of Noah they deemed it best that she was sectioned out of my spine, ie from my back, rather than my front (hello PTSD from first birth much?). So I had a large incision right at the nape of a neck through which Baby Jesus was birthed. Miraculously this was a much less painful and much faster recovery time so at least there's that. Immediately after birth Jack INSISTED that we go back to Hong Kong Stadium to watch the 7s...So off we went, me in my gorgeously chic hospital gown, complete with IV drip and tubes still attached, and with a 2 hour old child in my arms. No surprise I was not overly impressed with my situation and after some convincing we left. On our way out of the stadium we ran into the entire Black Ferns squad though and I immediately decided the best thing to do was engage them in a bit of touch - which was definitely ok because it wasn't tackle so my IV drips and tubes and incision would be safe. The dream ended abruptly there (or rather, I don't remember what happened after). On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best dream I've ever had) I'd rank it about a 4, but it was definitely a very random dream and the most vivid one I'd had in weeks.
Back to reality, I was supposed to have a midwife check up last week but given all the public holidays I couldn't get an appointment that worked with my schedule so instead I'll go in this week. Just as well really given this week I was, once again, struck down my an illness. Once again it was mild, once again it was uneventful, but I did have a pretty faucet-like nose that meant I went through an entire box of tissues on Wednesday. More later.
The ailment of the century also obviously impacted a lot of moving but for that, maybe it's best to dive straight into the next section.
After a weekend of walking and carrying a small child what I really needed was a long stretch and mobility session which I did on Monday morning first thing. I had been a very long time since I'd last dedicated a full hour to just basic movement and stretching and it did feel amazing.
By Monday afternoon I could feel the onset of a runny nose and Tuesday and Wednesday were full blown sick days. Grand total of 500 steps taken on both days combined. On Tuesday I did have full mothering duties so I did have to entertain a child which meant I had no real down time. On Wednesday Jack took Noah out of the house at 7:30am and I didn't see them until 5pm. It was full rest day.
Thursday I woke up feeling almost brand new so I went to work and opted to just focus on moving a bit. So I walked.
On Friday I really felt like doing a bit more so I did a shorter gym session with some weights without overdoing and killing myself. I probably kept my RPE levels to about a 5. Remembering that my body was still fighting off a cold and while moving and lifting feels good I didn't want "recover from lifting"to take priority over "grow an eyeball" and "recover from cold".
Saturday and Sunday looked a lot like Thursday, lots and lots of walking.
I probably averaged about 15,000 steps from Thursday to Sunday to make up for the 500 steps I did on Tuesday and Wednesday.
All in all obviously not a very exciting lifting week but there were other priorities.
Life In General
Had my first run in with slight discomfort on Sunday. The lower part of the bump just felt tight - definitely think a growth spurt is happening. It was a feeling I completely forgot existed and one that I now remember does get not super pleasant. For now only a 2/10 and hopefully stays that way for the next 23 weeks but let's not be unrealistic...
Once my Wednesday day of almost 6 hours of napping, 3 hours of watching a true crime Netflix show, and a decent meal in the evening, the week really turned around.
Good Friday evening we went on our first ever beach side public BBQ pit BBQ. I've been in HK for 25.5 years and never done it. 10/10 would recommend and will repeat. Thanks to the Rosslee clan for breaking our public BBQ virginity.
Saturday the weather was a bit dodgy and all over the place so after a morning of work then family brunch we all came home for the best activity, a family nap and then a family dinner out at Francis.
Sunday was exploration day. Noah wanted to go on a boat so we popped over to Cheung Chau for the day. Again, a little island we haven't been to in probably 4 years. New things we learned about Cheung Chau: there are loads of small little playgrounds all over the place. Yes, we went to them all.
All in all I'll give the week a 6/10. It started not great but it ended with some fun new adventures so that pulled it up from a 1/10 for sure.
Next week is a new week, a new doctors appointment, and a new adventure!