Happy full return of the 7s weekend to everyone!
Great week to be honest! Energy levels are definitely back so we're back to comfortably walking 10,000 steps a day without effort or even realising it. This does mean I do find I'm back in the mindset of forgetting I'm pregnant, which is on one hand, great, and on the other, potentially not so great. I think until the bump is a bit more obvious/annoying I might need to wear an "I'm pregnant" bracelet to remind myself.
I also found the root cause of Noah's clingy, emotional fussiness/sleep regression. The back 2 toddler molars have erupted. It also explains the never ending stuffy nose. Now that the bottom 2 have erupted I'm hoping the top 2 come out soon so this doesn't drag on too much longer, but knowing life it'll take another few weeks still.
I capped off the week on Friday with a school field trip to the Botanical Gardens and then headed straight to Hong Kong Stadium with Noah to watch the women's sevens teams take to the field! One of my favourite times of year as a young rugby player growing up in HK was not only the actual Sevens but also the women's tournament that used to happen on Thursday and Friday at So Kon Po. I used to play in the exhibition tournaments and then "assist" the international women's teams (the most memorable try I ever scored was actually a half pitch sprint and scoring under the sticks in front of all 100 people in the South Stand early on a Sunday morning). Even as a young kid I thought it was unfair that the women had to play at So Kon Po and the men got to play in the Stadium. The fact that the women finally get to play in their rightful place at the same time as the men now is a true testament to the strength and growth of the women's game locally and globally. Although Noah is too young to appreciate the history that was made, even at the ripe age of 2 she did notice that it was "rugby ladies" not "rugby mans" playing some games, and she loved taking photos with the posters of Charlotte Caslick and hometown hero (and teammate!) Agnes Tse. Representation matters. As Ruby Tui said at the World Cup last year, "women's rugby is here and we aren't going anywhere".
Fewer strength sessions this week (only 2) but a great mix of rest of life stuff and with energy levels back it felt good to get non-gym work in too!
Monday was quasi rest day given we'd trained on Sunday, I just went for a walk in the morning before clients.
Tuesday was rest day.
Wednesday and Thursday were broken up into upper body and lower body respectively (program on the IG post).
Friday was 13,000 steps of carrying a 16kg Noah around Botanical Gardens, to lunch, around the stadium, then home from the stadium. Arms were FRIED by Friday night.
Saturday was well and truly rest day. Watched a true crime documentary on Netflix (as we all do when we have nothing else to do), and did random life admin here and there. Somehow still got over 10,000 steps in but I'm not sure how that happened.
Sunday was family Sevens day! The 7s inevitably means a lot of sitting but I still managed to rack up 15,000 steps which would explain why on Monday my legs were a bit still...
Life in General
Honestly not much to report at all! Feeling fine and dandy, no weird aches and pains, no weird food things, no nausea bouts, so nothing weird or exciting in general. As a blog entry that makes this very boring but as a pregnant person I enjoy the weeks of "uneventful". We're very slowly inching towards the halfway point of pregnancy and the weeks do seem to be flying by! It's almost time to start thinking about maybe taking out the vacuum bags of newborn clothes and shoes and putting together a donation pile of girls clothes and shoes.
Speaking of clothes, we're soon going to start playing the game of "does this still fit?" Jeans and jean shorts are still good to go for now - we'll see how much longer that lasts! We do have a wedding to go to at the end of May and I do have a dress in mind, however it's not super conducive to a large bump so I might do some last minute shopping for a very flowy dress I could rewear later or I might raid a previously pregnant friend's closet for some options. Until then, we'll keep on keeping on and just figure it out when we need to!
Not too much in store for this upcoming week - not taking any time off for Easter so it's work as usual! Instead it's daddy day care during the public holidays and mum will join for afternoons of fun stuff.
To everyone who is away - hope you're having a great trip. To the 4 people left in Hong Kong, I'm sure I'll see you around! Have a great week!