A cold and rainy hi to all of you! (Side note: this weather was a major driving force for leaving London all those years ago, this weekend has firmly reaffirmed my belief that we as humans deserve better weather.)
The week didn't start well at all, what felt like immediately after getting over hand foot mouth I got a cough. So once again, I had to take 2 days off work. Luckily no other flu symptoms, just a very dry and VERY itchy cough that lasted 2-3 days. It was a very relaxing way to sleep at night, awake every 40min to cough. I guess it's preparation for life with a newborn again...I'd shaken most of it by the middle of the week and all of it by the weekend so here's to hopefully a fully healthy week next week!
I realise I forgot to update you all on the gender last week! We're officially in the clear to have a favourite daughter and a favourite son. This unfortunately does also mean that the Baby Jesus nickname does stick around for the rest of pregnancy. The rest of the genetic test came back all normal which is the first of the test hurdles to clear. The next one is the 20 week anatomy exam.
The nutrition was also much more on point this week which also made me feel much better.
The best news though: the energy levels are coming back! I managed 4 strength sessions this week for the first time since pregnancy! This is, coincidentally, a great segue into the next section so we'll go with it.
Monday morning was day 2 of coughing and not feeling super healthy. Normally I find a good sweat session always helps me. Given I was already a bit run down from the week before I didn't push to the maximum but did run 1km in between strength supersets which was a very easy way to run 4km and get some body weight full body training in. I did indeed get a good sweat in and it felt marvellous.
Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday were more traditional strength sessions. Friday was again mostly bodyweight as I was a bit tired and not well rested (I didn't manage to fall asleep until almost midnight and had to be up at 5:30am, too many fun ideas going through my head - maybe I'll share one day!).
Sunday we reintroduced the family training + Sunday lunch. Luckily superstar babysitter Wu was in studio to occupy Noah.
Days on days of coughing definitely put the pelvic floor to work so programs this week were more lightweight squat focused and I made an effort with each rep to ensure my pelvic floor was switching on properly. I steered clear of deadlifts and deadlift variations and probably will again next week.
As always, programs are in my instagram bumpdate post so you can check those out if you're so inclined!
Life in General
Illness aside, the appetite finally decided to normalise. I wasn't nearly as hungry nearly as often this week. In fact I did actually forget to eat lunch on one day (which resulted in a large 3pm snack and then a tiny dinner...). The less frequent snacking also means my octopus card saw a lot less action this week, it's probably a bit sad.
In addition to the subsiding appetite, my energy levels are on the up! Definitely starting to feel more like myself again which is very exciting. I wouldn't say they're back 100% but they're a lot better than the 10-20% I've been operating on for the last 3 months.
I felt a few random discomfort pangs, not quite round ligament pains but the hips feel like they're tightening a bit. A sign I need to do a lot more stretching than I'm currently doing - I have a training goal next week!
Did a lot more reading this week as my book was equal parts fascinating, disheartening, and captivating: Leonardo da Vinci's biography by Walter Isaacson. I highly highly recommend this book to literally everyone. You don't have to care about art or history or engineering or the Renaissance or anything. If you just love being alive and love learning about incredible minds, this book is for you.
The already earth-side mini human was marginally less clingy and emotional this week too which also helped me a lot mentally.
Basically the TLDR summary of this section is: life is looking up! We're in a good place and are looking forward to next week and what fun adventures it has to bring!
I've left writing to the very last minute this week and it has to end there as I have to leave for dinner. So I'll see you all next week!