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calibrateBUMPS 2.0: Week 13-14

Writer: CaitCait

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

Well, what a week.

The overarching theme for the week was: meh.

We started strong, hit a sleep regression/bad separation anxiety speed bump in the middle of the week, and finished the week basically in bed/on the sofa battling. Not much else to say if I'm honest so let's just get to it!


This one is going to be super short...

Given last week's unfortunate skew towards lower body (for those that didn't read last week's blog - I'd attempted to do full body on Monday, then split lower body Wednesday, upper body on Friday but I had a run in with hand foot mouth so instead of weight training on Friday I just went for very long walks Friday - Sunday), I started the week with an upper body session on Monday.

On Tuesday I went for a super leisurely stroll around Tai Tam Country Park for 90min or so.

Wednesday and Thursday were not good days as we fought off sleep regressions and basically a very clingy, emotional child. Her brain is definitely learning how to do something fun and important as it's been a long time since she's needed this many cuddles and quiet time with "only mama".

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were not possible training days for reasons I'll explain in a second.

So in summary: I trained on Monday and went for a walk on Tuesday and that's it. HOW my step count averaged over 10,000 steps a day this week is a complete mystery...Maybe someone stole my phone while I was taking all those naps.

Life in General

Even if I put aside the emotional strain of a clingy child who just needs mum A LOT, this was a weird week. After fairly decent energy levels at the start of the week, I woke up on Friday feeling not right at all. I was lightheaded, dizzy, borderline nauseous but also not nauseous at all, and my breathing was a bit shallow and rapid. I kept telling myself that it would pass but by 1pm and after teaching 4 sessions sitting on a yoga ball/bench it hadn't. So I took a taxi home and slept on and off for 3-4 hours on my sofa. I woke up at about 5pm feeling marginally better but still not 100%.

On Saturday life was dedicated first to work, then at 11:50 pivoted to rugby. The team had against all odds made it to the grand championship finals so from 12pm onwards I was on full supporter and water technician duty. Later that afternoon we did pull off an incredible win to go undefeated in 2023. However, from Friday I'd already felt a cough coming in and I can tell you spending 2 hours yelling and cheering with a scratchy throat does not lend itself to speedy throat recovery. On Sunday morning I needed some solo recovery time.

If we add back in the emotional strain of a clingy child who just wants mum (it's been almost 2 years since we've needed mum this badly) not only was this a physically draining week, it was also a mentally draining one. We all know if your mental health isn't the best, your physical health won't be either. It's no one's fault, she's learning and she's developing and you can't hold that against a toddler who doesn't know what's happening or why. But it is tiring. The one job you can never take a break from is the job of parenthood, but it's also the job you probably need a break from the most. It's a good thing kids are cute, say the most amazing things, and give the best hugs.

To pile onto all of this, I also ate out from Friday night through Sunday night which makes me generally feel very gross and out of control on a good week let alone a weird one. One of those meals was very much not a burden at all though, on Sunday we celebrated an early birthday for my dad at the always amazing 22 Ships. I'm definitely not complaining about that one. Happy birthday dad!

At the end of the day was the week one to remember? Nope. But, is there any point getting upset or droning on about it? Also no. We move on and we start again. Next week is a new week and a new adventure. We count our blessings, find a way to navigate through the low points, and we remember that at the end of the day I have far more to be grateful for and so much to look forward to.

Here's to a great week ahead!


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